The history of Yonsei University Health System is the history of medicine in Korea.
Yonsei University Medical Center was established in 1885 by the American
missionary doctor Dr. H.N. Allen, and was the first modern medical institution
in Korea.
As a leading institution in the medical field of Korea, Yonsei Medical Center has
consistently preserved the health of the people by keeping in line with the history
of Christianity,
medical education and research, and hospitals in this land.
Yonsei Medical Center has trained 700 graduates every year through systematic
medical education since it produced 7 graduates who were the first in Korea to
obtain a doctor's license in 1908. In addition, based on medical data accumulated since the 19th century, state-of-the-art medical equipment and information systems, we are providing the best medical services to 5.2 million patients per year. Yonsei Medical Center will continue to strive to realize its mission of ‘to free mankind from disease through the love of God,’ establishing its status as a medical center in Northeast Asia and leading the globalization of medical care.

The Yonsei University Health System (YUHS) was founded in 1885 by Dr. H. N. Allen, the American medical missionary, as the first modern medical institution in South Korea. Originally named Kwanghyewon, it was founded as the first Western-style royal hospital; the name was later changed to Chejungwon, and then became Severance Hospital. As an institution leading the medical community in South Korea, YUHS has protected the public health, and grown up along with the development of Christianity, medical education, medical research and hospitals in South Korea.
Since it produced 7 graduates who licensed to practice medicine in South Korea in 1908, YUHS has produces approximately 700 graduates every year through systematic medical education. Beyond this, it provides the best medical services to more than 5.3 million patients, based on the medical data it has been accumulating since the 19th century, as well as its advanced medical equipment and information system.
YUHS is striving to fulfill its mission statement of “With the love of God, we will free humankind from disease and suffering,” and will establish its position as a top medical center in Northeast Asia and a leader in the globalization of medicine. YUHS will reinforce its position as a medical hub in Northeast Asia and a leader in the globalization in medicine with the store of experience it has accumulated over more than 130 years, and a health system that has reached an international level of global competitiveness.
Mission & Vision
- With the Love of God, Free Humankind from Disease and Suffering
- Yonsei University Health System(YUHS) will strive to be the most reliable medical institution by respecting our patients, as well as providing high quality care through high-tech service, specialization, and collaboration with other medical institutions.
- UHS will strive to become a leading research institution in medical technology by creating new research fields with the spirit of exploration and cooperation. YUHS wants to be known as the institution offering the most diverse and humane medical education.
- Following in the footsteps of Missionaries, Allen, Avison, and donor philanthropist Severance, YUHS is committed to medical missions through evangelism and acts of love and concern for others, particularly the most needy with the least access to medical care. In order to achieve these goals, we wish to become mature and responsible specialists; leaders who are open to new ideas and are accomplished practitioners. We are committed to make Yonsei University Health System a place where creativity and warmth thrive in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation.
Code of Ethics
Yonsei University Health System Code of Ethics
Enacted on December 2, 2009
Amended on September 28, 2016
The Yonsei University Health System has the Christian mission and vision that underpins the Code of Ethics for the members of the institution. The YUHS identifies the ethical principles for actions and accept them as basis for implementing its core roles of the development of medical care for the patient, And, YUHS aims to be a globally loved and trusted medical institution, aims by fulfilling this responsibilities in the ethical way. To this end, the decisions made and actions taken by the members of YUHS are based on the principles and guides of the Code of Ethics.
1. We shall take pride in being members of the Yonsei University Health System and, as a member of UHSH, conduct our duties in honesty, fairness, and integrity.
2. We shall respect the each member and endeavor to create a sound organizational culture.
3. We shall respect the human dignity and rights of customers and endeavor to become the most trusted medical institution among customers.
4. We shall pursue mutual growth with all stakeholders by forming community-like relationships.
5. We, as an ethical institution, shall actively engage in activities for common good of the society and do our best for keep financial and managerial standards.
6. We, as an ethicalinstitution, shall neither make improper solicitations nor receive money and goods, and shall protect the rights and interests of customers by performing our duties ethically.
Practice Guideline for the Yonsei University Health System Code of Ethics
Enacted on December 2, 2009
Amended on June 1, 2021
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 (Purpose)
Article 2 (Eligibility)
Article 3 (Principles of Ethics for Faculty and Employees)
- The following ethical principles of Respect, Integrity, and Professionalism should guide conducts of the YUHS members.
- Respect: The YUHS members shall respect and protect the personal value and interests to promote the safety and welfare of customers and trainees;
- Integrity: The YUHS members shall promote ethical conducts of themselves through transparent communication on the planning and operation of all medical services, education, and research conducted by the YUHS members; and
- Professionalism: The YUHS members shall maintain the highest standard of medical care. To this end, we continue to the standards of medical services based on scientific grounds and develop our competences.
- The YUHS members shall comply with applicable laws and regulations and the YUHS rules related to the performance of their duties, and when faced with ethical conflicts, they shall evaluate the situation and conduct themselves based on the standards outlined in this Code and these Guidelines.
Article 4 (Responsibilities of the Institution)
- The YUHS shall endeavor to fulfill its values and beliefs as an ethical institution in all aspects of medical care, research, education, administration, and community services.
- The YUHS shall support the education and training of its The YUHS Members and create an organizational environment in which all medical service activities are carried out ethically.
Chapter 2 Ethics for the YUHS Members
Article 5 (Maintenance of Dignity and Professionalism)
- The YUHS Members shall retain a sense of self-awareness as members of the YUHS and always uphold an attitude of honesty and integrity.
- The YUHS Members shall conduct on a set of ethical values and endeavor to preserve and promote personal decency and the YUHS’s prestige.
- The YUHS Members shall keep their professional knowledge, skills, and outcomes up to date with the most current perspectives and continue to develop their competences.
- The YUHS Members shall ensure the safety of patients and maintain the health of the body and mind to keep it fit for the fulfillment of their duties.
- The YUHS Members shall complete the mandatory education stipulated in laws and regulations in order to maintain an appropriate standard for healthcare personnel.
Article 6 (Fair Fulfillment of Duties)
- The YUHS Members shall ensure the fair process in fulfilling their duties, and must avoid situations that could cause conflict that may prevent fulfilling the mission and vision of YUHS and the caring profession
- The YUHS Members shall not engage in activities that impede the fair fulfillment of their duties or the duties of others for their own personal interests.
Article 7 (Respect for Colleagues)
- The YUHS Members shall be fully aware of the scope of authority granted and responsibility according to their duties, and shall cooperate with colleagues for its fulfillment.
- The YUHS Members shall respect colleagues’ decisions, and shall not refrain from criticizing their decisions if there is not enough reasonable grounds.
- The YUHS Members shall not use any verbal, psychological, or physical violence against colleagues.
- The YUHS Members shall not discriminate against colleague because of his/her age, gender, social status, race, place of origin, educational background, physical and mental disabilities, and political and religious views, and shall take appropriate measures upon witnessing such discrimination or observing the potential for such discrimination.
- The YUHS Members shall endeavor to take corrective measures in cases where colleagues face difficulty in fulfilling their duties due to problems related to health, etc., or engage in ethical, medical, or legal wrongdoing.
Article 8 (Quality Control)
Article 9 (Protection and Use of the YUHS’s Assets and Information)
- The YUHS Members shall not use the YUHS’s assets, equipment, and supplies for personal use without proper approval procedures.
- The YUHS Members shall not use the YUHS’s budget for personal interest and instead spend it in alignment with the purpose determined by the YUHS rules.
- The YUHS Members shall actively protect the YUHS’s intellectual property rights (IPRs) such as patents, copyrights, and trademark rights, and information assets including medical data, management information, and technological information.
- The YUHS Members shall not externally release information obtained through the conducting their duties without the YUHS’s prior permission or approval.
- The YUHS Members shall be obligated to report inventions related to their duties and follow the pre-determined evaluation criteria and protocol for patent applications.
Article 10 (Documentation of Management Information)
- The YUHS Members shall obtain and manage all information in an appropriate and transparent manner, and shall accurately record and store information such as accounting records in accordance with relevant laws and regulations without distorting them.
- The YUHS Members shall accurately reflect and record all of the YUHS’s management information including financial information to support the decision-making process of the management team.
Article 11 (Compliance with Research Ethics)
- The YUHS Members shall endeavor to ensure integrity and reliability in terms of their conduct of research and publishing.
- The YUHS Members shall comply with YUHS’s review process to ensure the ethics of research.
- The YUHS Members shall endeavor to protect and promote the rights of human research participants.
- The YUHS Members shall protect and promote the rights and welfare of the laboratory animals when conducting researches involving animals.
- The YUHS Members shall take appropriate measures to avoid conflicts of interest in their research.
Article 12 (Respect for Trainees)
- The YUHS Members shall acknowledge the following persons as legitimate members of clinical and research team: students in their clerkship, trainee researchers, and trainee healthcare personnel (including interns, residents, nurses, and medical technicians).
- The YUHS Members shall take appropriate measures to protect the following persons from physical and psychological violence and exploitation: students in their clerkship, trainee researchers, and trainee healthcare personnel.
- The YUHS Members shall establish an environment that can provide suitable educational opportunities for students in their clerkship, trainee researchers, and trainee healthcare personnel.
Chapter 3 Customer Ethics
Article 13 (Prohibition of Discrimination)
Article 14 (Respect for Customers)
- The YUHS Members shall always treat customers with due respect, consider the customer’s perspective, and perform their duties with the needs of their customers as the highest priority.
- When providing medical services, the YUHS Members shall provide customers with sufficient explanation about the medical treatment they are receiving and respect customers’ autonomous decision to consent to or refuse the service.
- The YUHS Members shall plan the treatment in accordance with the diversity of customers’ opinions with respect to their beliefs, values, choices, and priorities.
Article 15 (Customer Satisfaction)
- The YUHS Members shall endeavor to meet customers’ needs and expectations and to provide customers with the highest standard of medical services.
- The YUHS Members shall endeavor to carefully listen to the opinions and suggestions offered by customers and to make improvements based on customer complaints.
Article 16 (Privacy Protection)
- The YUHS Members shall protect customer privacy throughout the entire process of the healthcare services.
- The YUHS Members shall not unnecessarily collect or breach customer information that is not required for the purpose of medical treatments or research.
Article 17 (Personal Information Protection)
- The YUHS Members shall protect customer data generated in the course of medical care and research activities regardless of the form, whether they consist of verbal, written, or electronic records.
- The YUHS Members shall not share customers’ medical and personal information with anyone except for persons who are involved in the relevant medical care or research activities.
- The YUHS Members shall not provide customer information to a third party without the customer’s consent or legal grounds.
Chapter 4 General Social Ethics
Article 18 (Fair Transactions)
- When performing transactions with business partners, etc., the YUHS Members shall be fully aware of and abide by fair trade related laws and regulations.
- The YUHS Members shall ensure fair business practices in compliance with the YUHS’s protocol when bidding for or concluding a contract concerning the YUHS’s projects, including construction, services, and purchases.
- The YUHS Members shall perform all transactions in a fair and transparent manner at normal business locations.
Article 19 (Prohibition of Unfair Profiteering)
- The YUHS Members shall neither engage in improper solicitations nor provide or receive money, goods, etc. to or from stakeholders and customers regarding work-related duties.
- The YUHS Members shall not use their position, etc. in order to gain undue profits for themselves or allow others to gain undue profits.
- The YUHS Members shall not take advantage of the name or reputation of the YUHS to pursue their personal interests.
Article 20 (Contribution to National and Social Development)
- The YUHS Members shall contribute to the advancement of the nation’s healthcare through rational and responsible business activities.
- The YUHS Members shall actively participate in social contribution efforts and endeavor to promote the health of community.
Article 21 (Policies Regarding Safety, Public Health, and the Environment)
- The YUHS Members shall dedicate their best efforts toward the prevention and management of hazards and disasters through compliance with safety standards as well as relevant laws and regulations.
- The YUHS Members shall recognize the importance of environmental issues, comply with relevant laws and regulations, and make efforts to protect the environment.
Article 22 (Service Activities and Missionary Work)
Chapter 5 Compliance with the Practical Guidelines
Article 23 (Compliance Obligation)
- he Practical Guidelines for the YUHS Code of Ethics shall enter into force on December 2, 2009.
- This amended Code of Ethics [Principle 6 newly inserted] shall enter into force on September 28, 2016.
- The amended Practical Guidelines [Chapter 5 integrated into Chapter 4 and retitled “General Social Ethics,” a section “when performing transactions with business partners, etc.,” newly inserted into Article 18(1), and Article 19(1) amended with regard to the prohibition of engaging in improper solicitations and providing or receiving money, goods, etc.] shall enter into force on September 28, 2016.
- The amended Practical Guidelines [provisions of national laws and regulations reflected, and YUHS’s responsibility reinforced with regard to the completion of mandatory education for faculty and employees] shall enter into force on June 1, 2021.