Mission Realization


The missionary work started by the missionary Harace Allen in 1885 has been expanded in all directions through the activities of the Chaplain's Office. Accordingly, the Chaplain's Office plays an important role as a center of the missionary work of this hospital and as the forerunner of pastoral duties.

For the new vision of the 21st Century, Yonsei University Health System (YUHS) is preparing a place for holistic treatment through spiritual treatment in this country by educating and training hospital pastors in Korea.

With these motives and goals, the Chaplain's Office progresses every observance in the hospital based on Christianity according to the office regulation (Article 4, Chapter 4) of the YUHS which states, "The Chaplain's Office preaches the Christian Gospel to the faculty, medical students and patients, and takes charge of its related general administrative affairs". The office carries out pastoral duties at four levels; for students, school staff, patients and education.

Organization of Chaplain's Office

  • Director of Chaplain's Office
    Park Myeong-Chul
  • Chaplains
    Yoo Ki-Sung (Main Severance Hospital), Choi Hyung-Cheol (Main Severance Hospital), Kong Jae-Chol (Gangnam Severance Hospital), Song Woo-Yong (Yongin Severance Hospital)
  • Missionaries
    Kwak Su-San-Na (Cardiovascular Hospital), Kim Bok-Nam (Rehabilitation Hospital), Kim Sung-Ae (Severance Hospital), Ju Sun-Yong(Gangnam Severance Hospital)
  • Cooperative Missionaries
    Han Seong-Hyea (Ilsankwangsung Church), Lee Lee-Nam (Medical Missionary Association), Kim Sung-Ja (Pyeongchon Church), Lee Ae-Kyung (Sesin Church), Lee Gyu-Hyeon (Namsanchungang Church)
  • Staff
    Yang Jung-Yoon (Office of Director, Chaplain's Office), Lee Ji-Yeun (Main Severance Hospital)

Religious Committee of Chaplain's Office

The Religious Committee of the Chaplain's Office works as a guiding committee for all religious matters and students. The aim and function of this Committee is to hold regular consultation meetings with the YUHS Director to efficiently accomplish the religious goals and services of the medical center.

Medical Missionary Work

In 1993, Yonsei University Health System(YUHS) initiated medical missionary activities for Mongolia in celebration of the centennial anniversary of the arrival in Korea of Dr. Oliver Avison, the founder of this medical college.

YUHS established a sisterhood relationship with Mongolia National Medical College on March 24, 2003, and formed an agreement to hold scientific interchanges, medical support and medical seminars. Since then, YUHS has been continuing with the operation of various programs including a professor exchange program of the medical school, Mongolian professor training-program, medical consultation services, and the opening of a friendship hospital, Yonsei Memorial Library, central laboratory, and Lee Tae-joon memorial park. In January 2001, a proposal associated with the establishment of the medical missionary work center was passed by the foundation board of directors and this center started functioning as a regular organization to take full charge of all medical missionary activities in March of that year.

Organization of Chaplain's Office

 Organization of Chaplain's Office and provides information on Head, Manager, Location, Address and Telephone
Head Professor OHRR HEECHOUL, Preventive Medicine Class
Manager Preacher KIM SANG JIN
Location 6th Floor in the Dental Hospital of YUHS
Address and Telephone Address: Medical Missionary Work Center, Yonsei University Medical Center, 250 Seongsanno (134 Sinchon-dong), Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
Telephone: +82-2-2228-1231. FAX: +82-2-313-8239
E-mail: theology@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr


The steering committee for the harmonious functioning of medical missionary activities.

  • Steering Committee
    • Chief of YUHS Planning Department
    • Head of Christian doctors
    • Head of Christian nurses
    • Director of Yonsei Social Welfare Foundation
    • Yonsei Medical Missionary Work Aid Association College of Medicine
    • College of Nursing
    • College of Dentistry
    • Gangnam Severance Hospital
    • Alumni
    • Chief Director of Yonsei Friendship Hospital
  • Members
    • LEE CHUL